RSM Partners
With only 25% (“Calling things which be not, as though they are”.. Romans 4:17) of the “Body of Christ” who are faithful in “Tithes and offerings “ (Malachi 3:8-12), it is truly amazing to me that God is able to do as much as He is doing in these “Last days”, but God Always Reserves “A FAITHFUL REMNANT” (1 Kings 19:18)! In 1 Thes.5:23, God says we are three parts..spirit, soul & body. Your spirit & your body are twins..mirror image!
When you partner with a God-anointed ministry, you are granted equal-reward for every life transformed and every person born-again! In 1 Samuel 30:24-25 God declares; “ … as his part is that goeth (Christian Ministry) down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff (those whom God has not called into full-time Ministry, but whom God has called to support the Lord’s work), they shall part alike (equal rewards).” When us Believers get to Heaven, all of our Rewards will be far greater than we could ever have imagined!
Your equal-rewards (financial increase, opportunity, wisdom, peace, joy, health, fulfillment, miracles, etc.) are available to you (like electricity was available, when mankind was still using coal-oil lamps), but are not automatic.. they are tapped into By Faith, like all of Gods promises! Not only King David (1 Samuel 30:24-25), but Moses (Nu. 31:27) and the apostle Paul (Phil. 1:3-7) also taught the principles of partnership.
Friends, in Genesis 22, we find a very unusual “Calling” which God made to Abraham (the Father of our Faith, Gal.3:29). God told Abraham to “sacrifice Isaac” to Him, at a specific place. Abraham obeyed God’s command. He PREPARED for his unusual Calling by taking with him..Isaac, the wood, the rope, the knife and the flint. But God didn’t really want Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, He wanted him to be “willing” only (see Isa.1:18-20). God’s angel PREVENTED Abraham from fulfilling the “sacrifice” at the last moment, but Abraham recieved the very same “Reward” (Gen.15, Rom.4, Gal.3, Heb.11:13)! Jeremiah (considered a Major-Prophet) is another example. He had very little VISIBLE-SUCCESS in his vital Ministry.. a “following” of about half a dozen! Some of you, may have an undeniable “Calling” from God which you have prepared for, but have not yet seen the fulfillment. Although you (and I) have an obligation to obey the Lord, He may have some other plan. Either way, our “Reward” will be precisely the same! And, let us remember, God does not place everyone into His Ministry at the age of 30 (like Jesus or Joseph)! God told Moses to start his Ministry, at the age of 80 (Ex.7:7)! Noah waited 100 yrs, AFTER God had “called” him, before the “flood” came (Gen.5-7)! God’s plan, not our own!
Another, not so unusual, “Calling” which God made to Abraham (and many others)..we find in Heb.11:8-13. Abraham lived his long life never actually seeing the total “Fulfillment” of what God had promised, which was that his offspring would number as “the stars of the Heavens”! The promise did happen, but not in Abraham’s lifetime. Think of Jesus Himself, who has accomplished more AFTER His brief life than BEFORE! And the list goes on and on. However and whenever God chooses to use our Lives for His “Endtime” Plan, our greatest JOY is “knowing Jesus” as Paul said in Philippians 3:8! While most Ministries see fulfillment during the Minister’s lifetime, let us remember what Heb.9:17 says; “A testament is in force (sees greatest fulfillment) AFTER the testator (flies) dies”. Only God knows how far reaching our Ministries have been or shall be after the Rapture ✨!