RSM Donations

Please pray about partnering with this Ministry 501(c)3. With your regular monthly support and prayers, you are enabling us to purchase more costly air-time (Television and Radio) and to reach more people in more places, with the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ! God declares to the “cheerful giver” in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is ready to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good (God) work.” Mirror image..1 Thes.5:23!

Of 8 billion people upon the earth today, there are nearly 4 billion who have not yet heard and received (Romans 10:14-15) the Gospel, at home and abroad. For our Partners each month, you will receive your RSM partner-Letter, which includes; updates, inspirational Bible-teaching from Rev. Schloegel, as well as your tax-deductible receipts. You may also let us know, in writing, of your Prayer requests. There is power in “Agreement”!

Your partner-package will be mailed to you upon receipt of your first monthly partner-gift. Please indicate in your letter that you prayerfully wish to become a partner. Ministry teaching products are available, as the Lord multiplies RSM. Such additions, are being added 💃💃💃 to our website and broadcast programs. Ladies and girls, if you ever hear a Believer or Pastor say that God would never “Call” a woman to Preach.. you’ve just met a very insecure soul! In Acts 21:9, we find Philip the Evangelist, who had four daughters “that did Prophesy”! To Prophesy is to SPEAK-FOR-GOD or what Eph.4:11 calls Preach (to include Pastoring)! Its not how much a dumb-bell can bench-press, but rather, it is God’s great “Anointing”! Also Deborah, in Judges 4:4! ✝️ Special Message to the girls below (posted 2023).. When you’re older, and free to correspond with Gpa (without Jezebel’s dark-twisted influence,🚑1 Tim.4:1), I am happy to tell you the “Truth (Jn.8:32)” about; “Who demanded my July 2019 departure, and the real reason Why (💰1 Tim.6:10, clue)”. Beyond that, whether Gpa (who led you three to Jesus) ever hears back from you or not, you are wholeheartedly entrusted into the Loving hands of Jesus, Who is always “with you”, “in you”, and Who is always “for you”! ✝️ |
Access great teaching products, at my spiritual-partners web-sites!

Three-Fold purpose of RSM Web-Site, aka my eStaff 🏡
1. EDIFY GODs PEOPLE, Jn.21:17 📚 “Feed My sheep”
2. REACH THE LOST, Mk.16:15-20 “Go to all the world”
3. MULTIPLY PARTNERs, Gen. 9:7 God said “Be fruitful”

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Gospel speaking invitations are always welcomed 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
(Television & radio programs, Churches, Prisons, The WhiteHouse)
Call ☎ 808-255-6317 Pacific California 🏝️ 🌄 Office


(Please make your checks payable to RSM and indicate that you wish to become a Partner)

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Email us 💻 at: Rsm world wide at gmail dot com
(our email is one word, at is a symbol, dot is a symbol)

Please indicate by email 💻 if you wish to become a partner, with your online Donation

Choose link(s) below, to establish your own email address | |

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