Robert Schloegel Ministries

Rev.Robert Schloegel, Mt.of Olives, Jerusalem

Broadcasting the gospel 📡 of Jesus Christ to eighty nations weekly (WHR) 🎙️ 📻, from 2001 to 2011! Areas targeted; Africa, Israel ✡️, and the Middle East. RSM was established 501(c)3 in 1992, as a pastoral ministry, in Honolulu, Hi. Since year 2000, our privilege is to dominate the airwaves with the gospel, at home and abroad! Rev. Schloegel is a “Christ for the Nations” (Dallas, 1983) graduate 🎓 and has served as a missionary to Canberra, Australia 🦘. Prior to 1992, Brother Robert served as full-time staff with the largest Spirit-filled church ✝️ in the state, as well as the largest Word of Faith church ✝️ in Hawaii. With last days anointed ministries there is a price to pay, especially television ministry. Today, in his God-ordained office(s) of Ministry (Ephesians 4:11), Rev. Schloegel is anointed as a teacher with prophetic giftings, who delights to encourage and instruct people (great and small alike) with the Word of God, bringing peace and victory! Like the Bible 📚, if you study this web site carefully and prayerfully… you will understand our heart and our vision. In my last name, the “o” has an umlaut over it, in my native language. God did this, because as a drawing it looks like someone speaking (ö) , and God has called me to Preach the Gospel! The “EL” in my last name means “God” or “The God of”! Summer 2019, we aired Nationwide weekly Gospel Television 📽️ to an audience of 100 million potential viewers 🙋‍♂️🙋, through the late Rev.Lester Sumrall’s WHT 📡📺 (World Harvest Television)!

A Word to the Wise… in this Ministry we Believe, from the Bible, that it is ALWAYS God’s Will to Save and to Heal (without any exceptions), to include through the HS “Gifts” of 1 Cor.12-14 & the “Signs” of Mk.16! Although not everyone gets Saved, and not everyone gets Healed. Otherwise, if Believers are decieved about Healing, they will not go to God or to medical science with FULL-FAITH.. and over time learn to accept defeat 🚑, rewriting the Bible with Sermons of unBelief (Mt.5:19 & 2 Ti.3:5 warns)! In 2 Peter 3:9, God says it is not His Will that any should perish, and that it is His Will that ALL be Saved. Regarding HEALING, there are many Scriptures proving that God wishes ALL to be Healed, but I’m not going to argue Scripture to prove this fact. Rather, lets look at the Life of our Savior and Messiah Jesus, lets ‘Think out of the Bucket’. Who is our EXAMPLE to follow? Is it ‘our experiences’ or is it our church “Traditions”! Jesus, the Word of God, is the ONLY example we should follow! So then, if Jesus is our example (sent by God), was Jesus ever sick during His 33 years on earth? Of course not, then we should “resist” (Jam.4:7) sickness and Believe God for Healing too (see Isa.53:4-5)! One last word, Jesus taught us that “Gods Will (must) be done, as in on earth” (Mt.6:10)! There are no sick in Heaven! God wishes ALL to be Saved ✝️, Healed 😃, and to be free of lack 💰 (free of all the “curse”, Gal.3:13 and Deut.28).. but this requires Faith on our part!

One final Word… many Americans today, are uncertain and fearful, regarding the direction certain Policy-Manipulators are attempting to take our Christian Nation! God warns; “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.. and which justify the wicked for reward..” (Isa.5:20-24, 700 yrs ago)! Two time-tested suggestions for you.. PRAY (in Faith) & VOTE (intelligently), Nov. 2024 & Nov. 2026! Not many news outlets are honest, in these “Last Days”. Here’s a Promise from God, that you can stand upon, as if your Life depended on it; “And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men (in Bible context.. ‘these men’ were Godly and Right, in God’s sight), and let them alone: for if their counsel or work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, YE CANNOT OVERTHROW IT; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God”! Acts 5:38-39 KJV

On a more personal note🎵.. God said; “It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him an HelpMeet”, Gen.2:18! I’ve tried the best Christian sites out there (like ChristianCafe) several times, and it just doesn’t seem to work for me. And, like CC, this Website is my “Profile” to discover. Perhaps you’re a younger Godly sister, who has been Praying🙏for a Godly husband… my Ministry contact info is on our Donation page, if God so leads you to reach out! It’s my Website, and perhaps God will make this endeavor to be Fruitful! God knows the “desires of our hearts” (Psalm 37:4), which He has placed there… we never have to be fearful or shy in Christ Jesus, when in pursuit of His good & perfect Will for our Lives (Joel 2:25, my Promise of Restoration)! God said to Peter (3 times); “If you Love Me, feed my sheep” (Jn.21:17)… which is, my life’s awesome Purpose! 💕Shalom, RevRobert

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